
Lorena Rubio es Certificada Master Method Coach y Mentora de Energía. Enseña a mujeres muy capaces, independientes a sanar su relación con el masculino (en forma del hombre, dinero, clientes, propósito, el universo) y aprender el Arte de Recibir.

Feminine Energy Paradigm of success

This was me before I entered into the feminine paradigm of success. I was successfully reaching my goals and focused on my “idea of being successful”. I knew I could achieve everything I wanted if only I could walk the extra mile, but something changed.

I realized it took me a lot of work to be there. Not only the working hours but also mentally.
I was tired.

I felt I always had to do/fight to get there. Work hard, be strong, don’t surrender, never give up, no pain no gain, stay focused, do the extra mile, keep going,etc, etc.

Inside of me I felt as a warrior – a soldier trying to win every battle. Always being ready for the next conquering.

Something inside of me changed. I wanted to relax and stop the fighting without thinking “Would my world collapse if I stop doing what I suppose to do?”.

In that moment I realized my whole world had already collapsed, I was fighting not only to get my desires but also in my relationships with man, myself, friends, money. I was the one able to conquer everything. Everything that was supposed to make me happy, didn’t.

I call it the newnxt evolution theory.

Because of the evolution of society we needed our masculine energy to build the systems, structures and infrastructures that are part of our materialized world. Masculine energy is the energy that makes things happen, tangible in our external world. For example, to build a building you make plans, create a strategy, form a team and make the thing happen.

However the feminine energy is where all the antigible exist. who you are, what is your purpose, your soulmate, self love, self esteem…. All the knowledge you need coming from within.

Something inside of me sayd “it has to be an easier way!” Now, I think it was the voice of my soul saying it is an easy way.

Here I am now, following the voice of my soul. I moved from the masculine model of success to the feminine energy paradigm in which success has already happened. You only wait to receive it while you live your life from your heart following your joy and inspiration.

There is not more getting or having to feel worthy or accomplished. In this new paradigm your value and recognition have never been a trade. It was only an illusion. You are enough and you can do what makes you happy at any moment of the day. There is no job here. There is a calling.

I am more than ever connected to my intuition, with the structure of my own masculine energy that supports me in this journey/business. Is the solid energy that reminds me everyday I am enough and there is no destination to reach more than the present moment.

In this paradigm of consciousness you learn to surrender, trust and co – create with the universe. You are always supported, you are always guided. You only need to hear it.

A shift from doing into being.

Tomorrow in my private group Queen I am going to talk about the feminine energy paradigm for creative successful ambitious woman. If you want to join, send me a pm.

I was doing what is supposed to make us happy, at least that’s what society teaches us.

I always heard from the wise, saying “the answers are inside you”
I decided to leave everything behind, my friends, family and I isolated myself.

I received the knowledge and all the information I needed that nobody teaches us. But for my surprise these answers are solutions for universal needs.

I call it the newnxt evolution theory.

Because of the evolution of society we needed our masculine energy to build the systems, structures and infrastructures that are part of our materialized world. Masculine energy is the energy that makes things happen, tangible in our external world. For example, to build a building you make plans, create a strategy, form a team and make the thing happen.

However the feminine energy is where all the antigible exist. who you are, what is your purpose, your soulmate, self love, self esteem…. All the knowledge you need coming from within.

But what happened is that we have a higher masculine energy but our feminine energy in man, woman and so the earth is unbalanced. This is the consequence of disconnection, stress, anxiety, depression and other mental issues that affect society. The earth is entering a new paradigm of higher consciousness, where we can come into alignment and bring the feminine energy in balance.

The reason why people are awakening is because of the next step of evolution, raising our feminine energy for a higher consciousness.

If you find yourself in the same situation as me. I invite you today to integrate the feminine energy within you.

Take time to feel your feelings
Allow your feelings to pass through you.
Surrender let them go, they only want light.
Your soul will be happier and we all will rise.